WM Driver Kudos

WM Driver Kudos

All our WM teams strive to provide the best service possible to our customers. Learn about a few of our drivers who recently went above and beyond for the customers on their route.  Adam Logue (Driver) and David Williams (Helper), Webster NY Hauling Recently, we had a severe wind storm all night long and into […]

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WM Customers Help Zoo New England During the COVID-19 Pandemic

WM Customers Help Zoo New England During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Shortages and Surpluses: WM Customers Helping Customers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Not surprisingly, revenue from visitors sustains non-profit organizations like Zoo New England (ZNE).  Like so many businesses and organizations, the coronavirus shutdown was very challenging for ZNE’s Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo, especially since they were heading into the busy season with no […]

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Standing Against Racism

Standing Against Racism

WE CHOOSE TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. The 45,000 individuals who make up the Waste Management family stand united against racism. The events in recent weeks have shown that a very ugly part of our past is still with us in our present. If we want our country to thrive, we must come together […]

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CORe: Turning Food into Energy

Watch Video CORe® is Waste Management’s organic recycling process that converts food waste into EBS®, an organic slurry product used to generate green energy. With CORe®, we collect commercial food waste from restaurants, schools, food processing plants and grocery stores, screen it to remove contaminants such as plastic, packaging and bones. The waste is then […]

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