Waste Management has simplified our customers’ online experience by consolidating all WM related recycling information into one place. We’re here to help you recycle right, answer common recycling questions and provide the information, tools, and resources you need to make recycling both simple and convenient. Whether you’re a long-time recycler or brand new, we want […]
2019 WM Sustainability Report: Driving Change
Did you know that Waste Management managed over 15 million tons of material for beneficial use in 2018? That’s enough to fulfill the annual power needs of 1.48 million homes! Check out Waste Management’s 2019 Sustainability Report. This report highlights progress on the company’s 2018 sustainability goals, key performance indicators, recycling, and recent awards.
WM Customers Celebrate America Recycles Day
Annually on November 15, organizations and communities from coast to coast celebrate Keep America Beautiful’ s (KAB) America Recycles Day (ARD). Waste Management is a proud, long-time sponsor of KAB and ARD. “America Recycles Day® (ARD), a Keep America Beautiful® national initiative, is the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the […]
Customer Notice on Recycling
We are a year and a half into China’s National Sword (mixed paper and plastics ban effective 1/1/2018) and a half year away from China’s goal to ban all recyclable imports (by 2020). Other southeast Asian countries that had opened to receiving these imports quickly followed the policies China enacted. This has led to a […]
WM Customer Survey – We Want to Hear From You
At WM, we strive to provide the best to our customers in everything that we do. This includes our newsletter! We want to know what you like about our newsletter and what we could be doing better. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and share your thoughts with us. Thanks! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/072019newsletter