Industry Heavyweights Have Their Say on China
At the Waste Management Sustainability Forum on February 1, leaders in the recycling industry weighed in on the impact China’s recycling import regulations and restrictions will have on the industry. Brent Bell, VP of Recycling for Waste Management discussed the need for higher quality materials, increased outreach via social media, and equipment installations and improvements were major priorities to meet the new changes. Ross Li, Executive Director of Lee & Man Paper based in China, talked about how the changes from China have impacted his company’s ability to get permits to import, and how significant changes will have to be made to achieve those permits. Myles Cohen, President of Pratt Recycling, looked forward to the opportunities for domestic markets the restrictions would bring, and the importance of industry-wide change to maintain consumer faith. Colin Staub’s article for Resource Recycling details the different aspects and impacts the Chinese regulations have had on the recycling industry. Read the full article here.