Sustainable Waste Solutions – Oracle Corporation

Over the years, Oracle Corporation’s campus in Burlington, MA, has implemented multiple environmentally friendly options including solar panels, cell phone recycling, aluminum can collection for Boys and Girls Club, and, an organics service that converts food waste to energy at WM’s Centralized Organics Recycling facility.  For its newest sustainability initiative, Oracle partnered with WM’s Total […]

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WM Customers Help Zoo New England During the COVID-19 Pandemic

WM Customers Help Zoo New England During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Shortages and Surpluses: WM Customers Helping Customers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Not surprisingly, revenue from visitors sustains non-profit organizations like Zoo New England (ZNE).  Like so many businesses and organizations, the coronavirus shutdown was very challenging for ZNE’s Franklin Park Zoo and Stone Zoo, especially since they were heading into the busy season with no […]

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