Sustainable Waste Solutions – Oracle Corporation
Over the years, Oracle Corporation’s campus in Burlington, MA, has implemented multiple environmentally friendly options including solar panels, cell phone recycling, aluminum can collection for Boys and Girls Club, and, an organics service that converts food waste to energy at WM’s Centralized Organics Recycling facility. For its newest sustainability initiative, Oracle partnered with WM’s Total Recycle Program to transition from office waste and recycling receptacles to centralized waste stations and secure an alternative to landfilling the bins. Oracle and TRP contracted IRN Surplus/The Reuse Network, a company that matches national and international nonprofit organizations in need with donors who have reusable goods, to repurpose over 1,500 employee bins collected during Phase I. Oracle will systematically continue the transition to centralized waste stations throughout its remaining buildings in the Burlington campus. Additionally, with the savings realized from both the reduced maintenance of individual desk bins and the elimination of all the plastic liners, Oracle plans to procure reusable company ceramic mugs to support another one of its sustainability efforts toward minimizing waste. Click here for more information about Oracle’s Sustainability Leadership and Oracle’s Sustainability Solutions.