WM Driver Kudos
Our drivers constantly go above and beyond to provide the best possible service for customers on their route. Sometimes, that means taking time to bring a smile to their customers’ faces.
Agnaldo Cleres
While on his route in Salem, MA Driver Agnaldo Cleres received a note from a customer sharing the fact that her two-year-old child was ‘terrified of garbage trucks’. The next service day, Agnaldo brought the child a WM ‘goodie bag’ to help make the child more comfortable the next time his truck arrived. Well, it worked! We received a very nice thank you note from the mother saying how wonderful Agnaldo was and how much it helped. Amazing job Agnaldo, thank you for going above and beyond for our customers!
JD Brooks and John Mazzola
We were forwarded a social media post from a customer in Medford, MA praising the team of Driver JD Brooks and Laborer John Mazzola. “Shoutout to JD and John, our awesome garbage collectors. We’ve lived in our house for five years and since day one they have waved, honked, yelled hello and high-fived my kids (who patiently wait for them each Tuesday).” Way to go JD and John, keep up the great work!
Duncan’s Big Day
Unable to have a traditional birthday party with his friends due the pandemic, Duncan’s Aunt in Lynn, MA wanted to do something special. She organized a ‘drive by’ with police cars and a fire truck, but what she was really hoping for was to get a WM truck. Thanks to Woburn Hauling Senior District Manager Cathy Parreira and Senior Residential Route Manager Joseph Ganno, they didn’t get just one WM truck…they got FIVE trucks, one for each year of Duncan’s fifth birthday. According to Duncan’s Aunt, “…he said it was his ‘best birthday ever’. Thank you so much to the guys who took time out of their day to come by and make my nephew smile from ear to ear.” We could not agree more, a huge THANK YOU to Jose Tejada, Brett Garrett, Brad Luongo, Miguel Urena, James Power, Jose Pena, and Juan Martinez for making Duncan’s day extra special!