Red Sox baseball fans who visited the Waste Management table during a recent Red Sox game guessed answers to Fenway Green Facts about waste, recycling, and organics that take place at the MLB park. Did You Know: Fenway Park recycled and composted ~1 Million pounds of the ~3.2 Million pounds of waste generated at the […]
Red Sox
Boston Red Sox: 2018 World Series Champions + Divisional Green Glove Recipient
In addition to winning MLB’s World Series, the Boston Red Sox (BRS) were recognized for its landfill waste diversion rate this year. MLB’s 2018 Divisional Green Glove Recognition was awarded to the Red Sox for achieving the highest recycling percentage among all MLB teams in the American League East. Waste Management has been the official […]
Red Sox and Fans Go Green for Earth Day
Waste Management, in partnership with the Boston Red Sox and Aramark, celebrated Earth Day 2017 a bit early with a post-game waste-sort event at Fenway Park in Boston on Monday afternoon. The event followed the Red Sox’s traditional Patriots Day – Marathon Monday morning game vs. the Tampa Bay Rays. Volunteers joined employees of the […]