Waste Management Unveils Innovative Driver and Technician Training Center Supporting ‘Safety, People-First Culture.’

Waste Management Unveils Innovative Driver and Technician Training Center

Recently, Waste Management introduced its second Driver and Technician Training Center in Glendale, Arizona, complementing its first Center in Fort Myers, Florida. The Arizona Training Center extends the Company’s commitment to providing centralized training for drivers and technicians across the North American enterprise. As part of the onboarding process, drivers and technicians attend a two-week […]

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Driving WM’s Commitment to Safety

At Waste Management, safety is a core value, consistently influencing behavior throughout our organization. This is for good reason— the U.S. federal government ranks trash and recycling collection among the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the United States, with drivers and collectors facing risks from motor vehicle crashes and unique workplace hazards. Waste Management […]

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