Sustainability Win for Patriot Place
Patriot Place has been awarded the 2017 MassRecycle Recycler of the Year Award – Business Category. The Recycler of the Year Award is given to a business that has developed and operates an outstanding recycling and waste reduction program that increases recycling or reduces waste generated by their business.
The award comes as a result of Patriot Place’s partnership with Waste Management, which provides waste, recycling and organics service to the shopping center. Patriot Place successfully diverted 660 tons of waste from landfill in 2016, ending with an impressive 44 percent landfill waste diversion rate.
The award was presented at the 22nd Annual Recycling Awards, which took place during the 2017 R3 Recycling & Organics Conference & Trade Show at the Sheraton in Framingham.
MassRecycle is the statewide nonprofit coalition of individuals, municipalities, recycling businesses and other organizations dedicated to increasing recycling and waste reduction in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Area VP Chris DeSantis stated, “Waste Management is proud to be the waste, recycling and organics service provider of Patriot Place. It is a valued customer that has demonstrated how amazing results are achieved with great collaboration. Waste Management has supported Patriot Place’s drive to exceed its waste-related sustainability goals and is elated to see the years of hard work culminate in this coveted award.”
Kudos to Waste Management’s Major Account Manager Paula Brito and Waste Management’s Total Recycling Program Manager Michelle Lee Guiney for the account management and recycling efforts that helped Patriot Place achieve such great success in their sustainability goals that led to this tremendous honor.
MassRecycle’s Executive Director Edward Hsieh (L) and President Jefferson Smith (R). Waste Management’s TRP Manager Michelle Lee Guiney, third from left. From Patriot Place accepting the award (middle, left to right): Diana Griffin, Nicholas Thwaite and Christopher Wheeler.